Saturday, April 24, 2010

I want to leave a legacy

How will they remember me?
I was thinking about that the other day as I was driving back to work after leaving Culvers. It was a frustrating, stressful day at work and Culvers fries are one of my comfort foods of choice.
As I am leaving the parking lot at Culvers I grab a small handful of fries and stuff them in my mouth. I know, doesn't paint a pretty picture in your mind does it? I'm sure it looked as bad as it sounds.

So now with this mouthful of fries I pull out of the parking lot and come up to a stop sign. I stop (because that is what you do at stop signs). The woman behind me on the phone wasn't paying attention and wasn't planning on stoping (even though she would have to go through me and the car in front of me). I braced for impact with my mouth full of fries cause there was nothing else I can do. And at the last second she must have decided to pay attention and swerved to the oncoming traffic lane, ran the stop sign and probably merrily went on with her conversation.

When I get back to my office I am working, eating my fries and grilled cheese sandwich and thinking... what would happen if I am driving down the road stuffin' my face with Culvers french fries and I get in an accident? A bad accident that kills me (please God don't let that happen)... the newspaper article could read... morbidly obese woman dies in car accident with mouth stuffed with french fries. What an example I would be!!!! But not the kind of example I want to be. Not how I would want to be remembered.

Yes I do want to be an example to others... I would love that my example helped others become happier and healthier. But I want my example to be that I lost a lot of weight... that I kept that weight off... that I am an inspiration to others and encourage others through my words and actions and life to eat healthier, exercise and lose weight. That's the legacy I want to have in my life!

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