Monday, August 16, 2010

Couch 2 5K Week 1 Day 1

Alarm went off at 5:00am. Snooze... 5:10 snooze... 5:20 snooze... 5:30 OK I'll get up. Dressed and out the door by 5:45. Darn that only gives me 15 minutes (I leave for work at 6:30am).
So I turn on the podcast in my ears and here Suz explain what we are doing up so early. Start off with a brisk 5 minute walk. Ok I can do this.
I decided, for at least the 1st week, to keep my path short and close to home in case my body freaks out when I ask it to run. So from our driveway to the golf course parking lot is 1/4 mile and the I thought I would use the empty parking lot as my training ground for the week. So the 1st 5 minutes go by and then Suz in her sweet little voice says "it's time for your 1st run, it's only 60 seconds, let's start NOW" (I'm sure I won't think her voice is so sweet in another couple weeks). So I run. OK I think I'm running... it feels different than a walk, but it's been soooo many years since I have run I forgot how it feels.
All I have to say about that is 60 seconds when you are running for the 1st time in probably 20 years... is a LOOOOOOONG time!!!
So I made that 60 seconds, then 90 second walk then another 60 second run then 90 second walk theen I had to head back home to get ready for work. I skipped the next 60 second run on the way back home... but I did the one after that. So for my 1st day I ran (jogged) for 3 minutes... I am on my way to my mile and beyond!